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Advanced Vitality Family & Kids Chiropractic Newsletter - April 2024


March newsletter cover page

April 2024 at Advanced Vitality

  • Coming Soon: Online Booking

  • April Events

  • April Promotions

  • Calendar of Events

  • Health Tip: Natural Constipation Cures

  • FREE Workshop: Raising Healthy Kids, Naturally

  • CM Spotlight: The Ramdhami's

  • Con-GRAD-ulations

  • Birth Announcements

  • Reminder: New Clinic Hours

  • Upcoming Holidays & Vacations



We are excited to announce that we are in the final phases of getting our online booking portal set up and anticipate launching it by the end of this month! Stay tuned in clinic and on social media for more about this exciting update to our care delivery!



Spring Colouring Contest

We start to see signs of spring this month so we're excited to have a SPRING COLOURING CONTEST (since it makes our walls look so beautiful to put up your children's works of art!). As always, we will award prizes in 3 different age divisions. You can download your copy below or pick one up at your next adjustment! Contest closes April 30th.

Request for Toys

Are you a family bursting at the seams with toys and want to see them go to a great home? We are looking to refresh our toy selection at the clinic and would love any donations that you'd like to share! Simply bring them in at your next adjustment and we will give them a new home to provide lots of joy to many more children!

Mother's Day Makers

Do you have a side hustle that you'd like to promote? We are looking for clinic members like you, that would like to donate some of your handmade goods to our Mother's Day Giveaway contest. Each year in May we spend the week prior to Mother's Day celebrating moms in the best way we know how - with giveaways! If you'd like to be a part of our giveaway week, simply connect with Maria at the front and she will handle it from there! You'll be highlighted in our May and June newsletters as well as on our social media feeds!


April Promotions

In support of our April theme of 'Raising Healthy Kids, Naturally', we thought we might be able to help you out with some products that we think are absolutely necessary in achieving the goal of natural health solutions for our kids!


Transforming your mind, body and home has never been easier with essential oils and essential oil-infused products. With DoTERRA, you can be confident your oils are:

  • Pure & Ethically Sourced

  • Potent, powerful & effective

  • Safe to use for the whole family

Check out the multiple ways you can use Essential Oils to detoxify your family's life this month.


  • The prevalence of mouth breathing in children is reported to be around 55%.

  • Children with untreated mouth breathing may develop long, narrow faces, narrow mouths, dental malocclusion, gummy smiles, and many other unattractive facial features.

  • These children do not sleep well at night due to obstructed airways; and this can adversely affect their growth and academic performance.

  • Mouth breathing is also a risk factor for a range of conditions, including: asthma dermatitis, halitosis and gum diseases, recurrent infection and inflammation of tonsils and adenoids, in addition to snoring and sleep apnea.

Myospots are a unique and popular new tool for tongue elevation exercises that can treat mouth breathing fast. Myospots exercise the tongue by adhering to the roof of the mouth. People can touch their tongue to the Myospots, to train the tongue to elevate and rest on the roof of the mouth in the proper position.



Our theme this month is "Raising Healthy Kids, Naturally" so that means we are hosting our FREE ZOOM Workshop of the same name on Tuesday April 30th at 7:00pm. Follow us on Instagram all month for helpful information and tips about natural and drug free solutions for healthy sleep, movement, recipes and more! To register for our Raising Healthy Kids, Naturally FREE zoom workshop click below and be sure to share with your other mom friends who could use the support!


Constipation Cures

a mom breastfeeding her baby

As neurofunctional chiropractors we are always concerned with how each system of the body is working. Since the brain controls every singular cellular action, if there is ANY interference to its communication network of nerves, then problems like constipation can start to rear it's ugly head. The good news is that chiropractic care can be a safe and natural solution for your little ones!

In this article we take a deep dive into safe, effective & natural remedies for constipation and provide you with the most up to date information and recommendations for what you should do if you think your baby or child is suffering with constipation.


Raising Healthy Kids, Naturally:

Tuesday April 30th @ 7:00pm

Advanced Vitality Beautiful Babies Free Workshop Poster

Join Dr. Tara Sutton on Tuesday April 30th at 7:00pm for our FREE Raising Healthy Kids, Naturally Workshop (on zoom). Register for FREE by clicking below:


CM SPOTLIGHT: How Chiropractic helped with constipation and ear issues

These awesome kiddos started care at our clinic when their mom, Sherana, decided she wanted more information about her kids' ongoing health issues. She did her research and just like many of our clinic moms, joined all the facebook groups and noticed a trend. Over and over again, other mom's were recommending Chiropractic Care!

"Don't wait another day to get their kids in to see a Chiropractor. The adjustments are so gentle and the differences that I have noticed are amazing. You have nothing to loose and everything to gain because when your children are healthy and well, you're happy too!”


We want to shout it out loud and proud for ALL our recent VITALITY GRADUATES! These folks put the time and effort into their Restorative Care Plan to achieve all the benefits that Neurofunctional Chiropractic Care has to offer! Congratulations on all your health and wellness achievements, we look forward to helping you maintain and build on those with your Wellness Membership!

Dr. Tara poses with 2 young boys who finished their restoration care plans this month
Dr. Tara poses with Juelz who graduated from restoration care plan last month!



a baby sleeping on a pile of white blankets

Congratulations to all our Mamas who gave birth this past month! We are so honoured to have played a role in your pregnancy journey and look forward to helping you recover and your baby thrive during this next phase of your lives!

A big Congratulations to our Marvelous Mama TSHARI


MOMMY & ME Chiropractic Packages

We are pleased to offer all of our New Moms a special discounted rate when you package your post-partum re-evaluation and your newborn initial assessment.

*contact the clinic for full details



Advanced Vitality Clinic Hours

A kind reminder of our updated clinic hours!


Upcoming Holidays & Vacations

Here are some upcoming Holidays and Vacations to note:

CLOSED: Friday April 12th


We look forward to seeing you and your family this month!


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