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Advanced Vitality Family & Kids Chiropractic Newsletter - February 2024

Writer's picture: Advanced VitalityAdvanced Vitality

Updated: Feb 2, 2024

February Newsletter for Advanced Vitality

February 2024 at Advanced Vitality

  • Please Remove Your Wet Boots

  • Happy Birthday & Welcome Back Dr. Tara

  • February Contests and Events

  • Calendar of Events

  • Health Tip: What is The Perfect Storm?

  • FREE Workshop: The Perfect Storm

  • Con-GRAD-ulations

  • Birth Announcements

  • Farewell Dr. Tamara

  • New! Clinic Hours

  • Upcoming Holidays & Vacations


Please Remove Your Wet Boots & Shoes

please remove your wet boots sign

Now that the snow and salt are here, we kindly ask that you remove your wet boots when you're in for your appointments.

We have lots of little ones that like to crawl around on our floors and we like to keep them as clean as possible!

Thanks for your cooperation!


Happy Birthday Dr. Tara!

Wishing Dr. Tara Sutton happy birthday

On February 15th we celebrate Dr. Tara's birthday! Help us wish her best wishes for the upcoming year ... and she has been known to bring in treats on her birthday!

Dr. Tara returns to the clinic on Monday February 5th. She's excited to announce that she will be opening up more hours to help support our growing clinic and community needs!

Check out our new clinic hours below!


February Contests and Events

February is Love Month!

February 1-29, 2024

We have lots of exciting ways for you to get involved this month!

Random Acts of Kindness Day - February 17th, 2024

Celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Week® is February 11 - 17th, 2024

Follow us on Social Media during RAK week for your daily "Random Act of Kindness" suggestion. Tag us on INSTAGRAM or FACEBOOK in your picture or video on social media and use the above hashtags.

Grab yourself a sweet treat at your next appointment as a reward for being awesome!

Hey KIDS! We've got some kindness activities for you too!

1. Complete a RAK colouring sheet and tell us about your Random Act of Kindness and earn a sweet treat and entry to win 1 of 3 prizes!

We will award prizes in the following age groups:

0 - 5 yrs | 6 - 8 yrs | 9 yrs+

February RAK colouring contest
click to download

Febraury RAK colouring contest
click to dowload


2. For the older kids, Grab a RAK Bingo Card and see if you can complete the challenges to complete a Bingo - show us your RAK Bingo Card to earn a sweet treat!

February RAK Bingo Card
Click To Download

We can't wait to see how much love and kindness you spread during RAK week!


AV Heart Campaign

a picture of previous hearts filled out by our clinic members describing why they love Advanced Vitality

Throughout the month of February, tell us why you LOVE coming to Advanced Vitality by writing it on a red heart to be displayed in the clinic throughout the month of February.



Valentine's Playlist

A promotional picture about our spotify valentines playlist

Like or Download our Spotify Playlist "Advanced Vitality Love & Happiness" and listen all throughout the month of February to our playlist created by YOU our very own clinic members!

Want us to add more?

Put your request in at your next appointment or send us your favourite love song, wedding song or heck, even break up song and we will add it to our February playlist!

Access our playlist on Spotify! Search "Advanced Vitality Love & Happiness" and select the download icon to add our playlist to your library.

How to send us your song suggestions:


Calendar of Events

Our February Calendar of Events

Check us out on Instagram and Facebook every Tuesday for quick educational videos on important topics related to neurofunctional chiropractic and raising healthy humans with natural and drug-free alternatives.

Tune in during the month of February to learn more about The Perfect Storm - the sequence of events from pregnancy to early adulthood that is griping our children in the cyclone of sickness, medications, specialist appointments and general ill health. From Autism, sensory processing disorder, ADHD, to anxiety and depression - every Tuesday we will share easy to digest informative videos about how and why these issues are so prevalent. THEN ... at the end of the month we go LIVE with a virtual workshop to present the simple science behind why and how Neurofunctional Chiropractic can support these kiddos and help them out of the "Storm" for good!

This topic is ALWAYS a hot one so share this info with your friends and family and anyone who has kiddos with these diagnosis looking for help, hope and answers!



Health Tip of the Month for Kids Chiropractic: What is The Perfect Storm

What is the Perfect Storm and how to help your kids out of it

* Your child is chronically sick — difficulty nursing, colic, reflux, constipation, ear infections, RSV, croup, chronic colds, allergies, asthma, and chronic autoimmune issues.

* Your child is chronically stressed — autism, ADHD, sensory processing disorder, anxiety, depression, focus and learning challenges, and sleep disorders.

While this article is long and dives super deep into exactly what’s causing this rise in chronic illness in our kids, it truly does contain the missing links and answers you’ve long been looking for moms and dads!

To get our kids healthy, nothing matters more than figuring out exactly what caused them to get sick and struggle in the first place.

It’s not always fun and can be highly emotional for us because we want nothing more than for our kids to never struggle. But stay the course with this one parent, we’ll not only provide you answers — but most importantly, the action steps you need to get your child healing, healthy, and happy once again and how kids chiropractic might be your missing piece to the puzzle.


FREE Workshop: Perfect Storm

Flyer for our upcoming FREE parent education workshop The Perfect Storm - click on it to register

In just 1-2 generations (not near enough time for genetics to actually change much at all), rates of chronic illness in kids have been rising quickly to absolutely horrendous, troubling levels.

  • ADHD and Behaviour Problems in kids range from 10-15% an climbing

  • Anxiety in kids was 11.6%, then nearly doubled to 20.5% due to the pandemic

  • Depression in kids was 8.5%, thenore than doubled to 25.2% due to the pandemic

  • Overall mental illness in kids now affects 1 in 6 kids and climbing rapidly

  • Autism rates have increased 241% since just 2000, now affecting 1 in 44 kids

Chiropractors have been noticing this trend as far back as 2008 and have been identifying the real life environmental factors at play and began to call this THE PERFECT STORM. This is for the moms and dads up late at night scouring the internet, joining the Facebook groups and scheduling appointments with countless specialist, therapists and doctors.

To get our kids healthy, nothing matters more than figuring out exactly what caused them to get sick and struggle in the first place and kids chiropractic might just be the missing link.

The Perfect Storm free workshop boarding pass

Join Pediatric Chiropractor Dr. Tara Sutton for a FREE VIRTUAL workshop full of Answers, Hope and Help! Tuesday February 27th 7:oopm. Registration is required. Please share this with friends and family that may have kiddos in this boat and could use an evening of support.



We want to shout it out loud and proud for ALL our recent VITALITY GRADUATES! These folks put the time and effort into their Restorative Care Plan to achieve all the benefits that Neurofunctional Chiropractic Care has to offer! Congratulations on all your health and wellness achievements, we look forward to helping you maintain and build on those with your Wellness Membership!


Birth Announcements

a baby asleep on a pile of pillows

Congratulations to all our Mamas who gave birth this past month! We are so honoured to have played a role in your pregnancy journey and look forward to helping you recover and your baby thrive during this next phase of your lives!

A big Congratulations to Marvelous Mama:



MOMMY & ME Chiropractic Packages

We are pleased to offer all of our New Moms a special discounted rate when you package your post-partum re-evaluation and your newborn initial assessment.

*contact the clinic for full details



Thank-you & Farewell Dr. Tamara

Dr. Tamara adjusting a baby

It is with great gratitude and respect we say thank-you and good luck to Dr. Tamara as she moves onto the next chapter in her career. Dr. Tamara has been an integral part of the Advanced Vitality Doc team for 4 years. Her experience and expertise in the prenatal and pediatric chiropractic space are impeccable and we have been lucky to have had the opportunity to work with her. We will miss her calm demeanor and steadfast commitment to chiropractic excellence. Help us send her best wishes and thanks. Dr. Tamara's last day in the clinic with be Friday February 9th.


New Clinic Hours

Please see below for some slight changes to our office hours:

new advanced vitality office hours sign

Upcoming Holidays & Vacations

Here are some upcoming Holiday's and Vacations to note:

Monday, February 19th:

Clinic Closed for Family Day


We look forward to seeing you and your family during this month of LOVE!


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