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Advanced Vitality Family & Kids Chiropractic Newsletter - March 2024

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March newsletter cover page

March 2024 at Advanced Vitality

  • February Contest Winners

  • March Events

  • Calendar of Events

  • Health Tip: Tongue Ties, Latching & Chiropractic

  • FREE Workshop: Beautiful Babies

  • CM Spotlight: Baby Eva

  • Con-GRAD-ulations

  • Birth Announcements

  • Reminder: New Clinic Hours

  • Upcoming Holidays & Vacations



Thank you to everyone who participated in our February Colouring Contest, Heart Campaign & Random Acts of Kindness events. Congratulations to our winners:






With St. Patrick's Day on March 17th, this month we are going to harness the luck of the Irish. It just so happens that the week before is March Break and we always like to celebrate during that week for those of us that don't get to jet set to a tropical oasis. So this year we are going GREEN with special St. Patty's themed events for the kiddos including a fun scavenger hunt!

See you on the March Break: March 11- March 14.



Advanced Vitality Calendar of Events for March 2024

Our theme this month is "Beautiful Babies" so that means we are hosting our FREE ZOOM Workshop of the same name on Wednesday March 27th at 1:00pm (in hopes that all you new mamas get a chance to put baby down for a nap and learn some helpful information about raising happy, healthy and well-developed babies & toddlers). Follow us on Instagram all month for helpful information and tips about breastfeeding, tummy time, milestones and more! To register for our Beautiful Babies FREE zoom workshop click below and be sure to share with your other mom friends who could use the support!



a mom breastfeeding her baby

As more women return to breastfeeding, there's been a large increase in latching problems, nipple pain and babies being diagnosed with tongue and lip ties. Some health professionals have suggested that a mother-baby breastfeeding dyad has approximately 14 days to establish an effective breastfeeding connection before giving up and moving on to other options. One of the greatest benefits of early chiropractic care for a newborn is improved latching and breastfeeding. As pediatric chiropractors, we are acutely aware of the relationship between a newborn's nervous system and the biomechanics of their upper neck, jaw and tongue and recognize the need for baby chiropractic care to support a healthy latch & breastfeeding experience.

In this article we take a deep dive into TOTs (tethered oral tissues) and provide you with the most up to date information and recommendations for what you should do if you get this diagnosis or think your baby may have a tongue or lip tie.



Wednesday March 27th @ 1:00pm

Advanced Vitality Beautiful Babies Free Workshop Poster

Are you a new parent struggling with a colicky baby? Does it feel like your little one is constantly crying, arching their back, or having difficulty sleeping and soothing? Or maybe you and your baby have a hard time with breast feeding and you've tried all the tips, maybe even hired a lactation consultant with limited success. Or perhaps yours is the new baby that can't be put down and needs constant holding, bouncing or rocking otherwise they wail uncontrollably. Maybe your child is having difficulty with rolling over, sitting up or hasn't started crawling or walking yet?

If any of these describe your baby, don't worry, you're not alone - and these are the babies (and parents) that we help everyday in our clinic!

Join Dr. Tara Sutton on WEDNESDAY MARCH 27th at 1:00pm for our FREE Beautiful Babies Workshop (on zoom). Register for FREE by clicking below:



dr. tara with clinic members baby eva and her mom

More and more parents are discovering the benefits of baby chiropractic to be gentle, safe, natural and effective. Sabrina, mom to 3 beautiful girls, uses chiropractic to keep her family growing and developing well! Check out her full experience below:

With regular chiropractic care for Eva I noticed a difference in the comfort during and after a feed. Plus more regular bowel movements. For my premature daughter her milestones were expected at an adjusted age but when I started seeing Dr. Tara she was meeting milestones at her birth age :)



We want to shout it out loud and proud for ALL our recent VITALITY GRADUATES! These folks put the time and effort into their Restorative Care Plan to achieve all the benefits that Neurofunctional Chiropractic Care has to offer! Congratulations on all your health and wellness achievements, we look forward to helping you maintain and build on those with your Wellness Membership!

Dr. Tara poses with 2 young boys who finished their restoration care plans this month
Dr. Tara poses with brothers who graduated from restoration care plans this month!



a baby sleeping on a pile of white blankets

Congratulations to all our Mamas who gave birth this past month! We are so honoured to have played a role in your pregnancy journey and look forward to helping you recover and your baby thrive during this next phase of your lives!

A big Congratulations to these Marvelous Mamas:





MOMMY & ME Chiropractic Packages

We are pleased to offer all of our New Moms a special discounted rate when you package your post-partum re-evaluation and your newborn initial assessment.

*contact the clinic for full details



Advanced Vitality Clinic Hours

A kind reminder of our updated clinic hours!


Upcoming Holidays & Vacations

Here are some upcoming Holidays and Vacations to note:

CLOSED: Friday March 15th

CLOSED: Friday March 29th (Good Friday)

We look forward to seeing you and your family this month!


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