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Advanced Vitality Newsletter | April 2023

Writer's picture: Advanced VitalityAdvanced Vitality

Updated: Jun 27, 2023

April 2023 at Advanced Vitality

  • Alexa's Gender Reveal

  • Coming Soon ... Saturday Appointments!

  • NEW: Direct Billing Policy

  • Doc Talk Tuesday April Series: Natural Health for Babies

  • 'Beautiful Babies' FREE Virtual Workshop: May 24

  • Health Tip: 4 Common Issues Baby Chiropractic can help

  • Clinic Member Spotlight: Baby Eva & Baby Lennox

  • Con-GRAD-ulations

  • NEW! Maintenance Memberships

  • Birth Announcements

  • Mommy & Me Discount

  • April Holidays


Alexa's Gender Reveal

Did you make a guess about what Alexa is having! Check out this video to find out if you were right! Stay tuned on social media when we announce the winner of the guessing game!


Coming Soon: Saturday Appointments

You've been asking for it, so here it is!!! We are pleased to be offering Saturday appointments starting May 13th.

Dr. Tara will be in the clinic for adjusting hours from 9am-12noon and Special Appointments (New Clinic Member Appointments) from 12noon-1pm.


NEW: Direct Billing Policy

We are more than happy to be able to direct bill to your insurance company on your behalf, however it does take quite additional administrative effort which we are finding takes away from our ability to delivery superior customer service. As such we have slightly modified the way we do direct billing and will require a credit card on file in order to continue to offer this service.

Unfortunately we are unable to use anything other than a credit card at this time.

Our patient management software is highly safe and HIPPA compliant with your data. We can't see the credit card information as it is stored directly through our POS terminal (you tap it and it stores into your profile) and we will never run your credit card for outstanding fees without first notifying you.

However, if you are still uncomfortable providing these details, you can pay at your appointments and we can provide you a 'paid' invoice for you to submit.

Thanks for your cooperation!


Doc Talk Tuesdays

Check us out on Instagram and Facebook every Tuesday for quick educational videos on important topics related to neurofunctional chiropractic and raising healthy humans with natural and drug-free alternatives.

Then tune in LIVE on Thursdays at lunch when our Doctors take to the social media airwaves to answer all your questions, comments and concerns!

Tune in all month long as we talk about Beautiful Babies! Our pediatric doctors will go through the simple science behind why and how our babies develop they way they do and how you can help support them at home with tips & tricks. You will also learn how and when to implement safe & natural Neurofunctional Chiropractic care to support a healthy immune system and great motor milestone achievement! Then at the end of the month we put it all together in a FREE online workshop. Sign up below to register!


'Beautiful Babies' FREE Virtual Workshop

Monday April 24th 7:30pm

Beautiful Babies is a free workshop for parents who want to learn more about the natural growth and developmental patterns in their 0-2 year old babies.

Our Pediatric doctors will explain the neurological development that a child should go through, in what order and what ages.

They will also provide helpful tips and exercises you can do in The comfort of your own home to help support their developmental milestones and brain growth.


Health Tip: 4 Most Common Issues Baby Chiropractic may help with


Plagiocephaly is the flattening of a baby’s head on one side of the head or the whole back of the head. This develops when an infant’s soft skull becomes flattened in a specific area.

Plagiocephaly itself shouldn’t be painful for babies. The risk is that they will struggle to hit their developmental milestones due to the underlying issues with gross motor function, subluxation, torticollis, and so forth.


Torticollis in an infant is a stiff, stuck, and twisted neck where the child’s head is continually bent to one side, making it difficult to turn and rotate their head and neck in both directions.

While more significant cases are easy to spot by both parents and providers, it’s been our experience that most cases of torticollis are easily overlooked and missed by standard pediatricians. The most common form of torticollis is acquired, and the most common cause is birth trauma.

Developmental Milestones

Developmental milestones are significant physical and behavioral signs or markers of optimal development in infants and young children. Things like holding their head up, tummy time, sitting up, rolling over, crawling, walking, and talking provide important information about how your child’s development is progressing. Each child develops at their own pace, but we can use these developmental age markers to help find out when things are really getting off track, or trouble may be brewing.


A tongue tie, also known as ankyloglossia, is a condition that affects some newborns where the strip of tissue that anchors the tongue to the floor of the mouth is too short, restricting movement and function of the tongue. This can make it difficult for a baby to breastfeed effectively, as they may be unable to properly latch and nurse effectively.

If the tongue tie is surgically released without consideration of subluxation and sympathetic dominant neurology likely at play, and a Pediatric Chiropractor is not first consulted… things could be made worse initially instead of better after the surgery resulting in the need for additional revisions within a few months.


Clinic Member Spotlight: Baby Eva

Meet our first Beautiful Baby Eva! Eva's mom, Sabrina, was no stranger to chiropractic. With Eva being her third baby and having brought her previous two for Baby Chiropractic, it was an easy decision to get Baby Eva checked shortly after birth.

With regular chiropractic care for Eva I noticed a difference in the comfort during and after a feed. Plus more regular bowel movements. For my premature daughter her milestones were expected at an adjusted age but when I started seeing Dr. Tara she was meeting milestones at her birth age :)

Click below to read more about how Baby Eva is powering through her first year and eating, sleeping, pooping and hitting her milestones like a champ!

This month we are talking about all things that create 'Beautiful Babies' and how parents can help support their growth & development naturally and safely. We will teach you the simple science behind how your baby's brain is growing and how movement is directly tied to their brain development. We will then set you and your baby up for success with home recommendations to support this growth with safe and natural options.


Clinic Member Spotlight: Baby Lennox

Meet this Beautiful Baby Lennox! He wasn't always the smiley, relaxed little guy you see here. We caught up with his mom Chelsea, this month and asked her to share why she makes regular wellness chiropractic care a priority for Baby Lennox.

Where to begin! We have seen so many benefits from chiropractic care. Before starting chiropractic care my baby was very tense at all times with clenched fists and seemed very unhappy and uncomfortable. Since starting chiropractic care his hands are relaxed he is happy, smiling, and babbling, we are seeing longer hours of independent sleep, better digestion, less congestion.

Click below to read what an adjustment looks like and how Baby Lennox has transformed from a gassy, fussy, inconsolable newborn, to the happiest, sweetest little dude!

Check us out on social media every Tuesday in APRIL for a quick 'Doc Talk' video about how to help your Beautiful baby thrive in the early years. Tune in every Thursday at lunch when our Doctors go LIVE to answer all your questions and concerns and provide even MORE helpful tips to keep you and your families healthy in 2023!



We want to shout it out loud and proud for ALL our recent GRADUATES! These folks put the time and effort into their Restorative Care Plan to achieve all the benefits that Neurofunctional Chiropractic Care has to offer! Congratulations on all your health and wellness achievements, we look forward to helping you maintain and build on those with your Wellness Membership!


NEW Wellness Memberships

Our Wellness Memberships are a hit! Congratulations to everyone who has graduated from Restoration care and are enjoying the member benefits of a Wellness Membership! We are excited to launch a third category to our Wellness Memberships that we call our ...

"Maintenance Membership"

There are many of you that qualify for this membership so don't be surprised if one of our helpful Care Coordinators approaches you at your next visit with this option! We know you'll love it!

These memberships are offered to qualifying Clinic Members that have completed a Restoration Care Plan and wish to maintain their achievements and/or optimize their health with regular weekly or bi-weekly chiropractic adjustments. Our newest membership plan is offers a monthly* adjustment to keep things from getting worse throughout the year. Additional perks accompany most of these memberships including complimentary or discounted Health Scans, discounted fees and Family Plans.

If you would like to learn more about our Wellness Memberships, please speak with one of our Care Coordinators at the Front Desk at your next appointment!


Birth Announcements

Have you seen our new TREE OF LIFE growing in the front foyer? This is our newest addition where we can celebrate all the momma's (and their babies) that we've had the pleasure and honour to take care of!

Also, coming soon you'll see our custom made BUMP WATCH board where we can track all of our pregnant mamas as they move through their pregnancy journeys.

The Bump Watch board is our fantastic way to track our pregnant moms through their prenatal journey

Congratulations to the Mamas who gave birth this past month! We look forward to helping you recover and your baby thrive during this next phase of your lives!

Congratulations to our Clinic Member Mama Tanvir on the birth of her TWIN BOYS last month!

Congratulations to Mama Shafreen on the birth of ZAIM!

"Taking prenatal chiropractic treatment helped a lot with backache, soreness around the pelvic and leg cramps. I could move around a little better and the duration of labour was short!"

~ Shafreen

MOMMY & ME Chiropractic Packages

We are pleased to offer all of our New Moms a special discounted rate when you package your post-partum re-evaluation and your newborn initial assessment.

*contact the clinic for full details



The Clinic will be CLOSED for GOOD FRIDAY on Friday April 7th

The Clinic will be OPEN on Easter Monday April 10th

Dr. Tara will be on Holidays April 28th - May 5th

We look forward to seeing you all in the clinic this month!


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