November 2022 at Advanced Vitality
Halloween Fun at Advanced Vitality
Remembrance Day
The Webster Technique for Pregnancy
Tongue Ties, Latching & Breastfeeding
Clinic Member Spotlight: The Almeida Family
Upcoming Orthotic Workshop
Visit our Holiday Market
Meet the Team: Himardri
Wellness Memberships
Birth Announcements
Mommy & Me Discount
Saying Goodbye to Ideal Protein
Clinic Holidays
Halloween Fun at Advanced Vitality
Halloween Colouring Contest
Congratulations to the winners of our Halloween Colouring Contest
Prizes were awarded in the following age groups:
0-5 yrs | 6-8 yrs | 9 yrs+
Congratulations Zoya, Calla & Rayah, your prize is waiting for you at the Clinic!
AV Trick or Treat Week!
Throughout the week of October 24th to the 28th, we got to see all of your great Halloween spirit and costumes and we think this year was the BEST YEAR YET! Check out some photos of the fun we had during trick or treat week at Advanced Vitality!
Pumpkin Carving Winner
Thank you to everyone who submitted their entries into this year's family pumpkin carving contest - we are always so impressed with your talent & creativity!
Congratulations to the winner of our pumpkin carving contest:
The Thomas Family your prize is ready at the clinic!
Remembrance Day
November 11 - 11:00am
On Friday November 11th as a nation, we pay tribute to members of the Canadian Armed Forces and RCMP who served to defend our values and freedoms. We also honour those who continue to serve our country today. Join the Advanced Vitality Team as we participate in the act of Remembrance with 2 minutes of silence on Friday November 11th at 11am.

Every year, from the last Friday of October to November 11, tens of millions of Canadians wear a Poppy as a visual pledge to honour Canada’s Veterans and remember those who sacrificed for the freedoms we enjoy today. While the Poppy is distributed freely to all who wish to wear one, the Legion gratefully accepts donations to the Poppy Fund. Click the button below to donate to the Poppy fund online:
Here are 4 ways you can participate in Remembrance Day 2022:
The Webster Technique for Pregnancy
If you follow us on Social Media you've been learning a ton about The Webster Technique as our Doctors do a deep dive on the topic. More and more women are taking the time during pregnancy to really empower themselves and learn more about the birth process and the natural options available to help them have a healthy and amazing pregnancy and delivery - including prenatal chiropractic! Read more and watch some of our educational videos by clicking the link below.
Tongue Ties, Latching & Chiropractic

Follow us during the month of November on our social media platforms as our "Doc Talk Tuesdays" and "Thursday Thoughts" Lives discuss the beneficial role pediatric chiropractic care plays in supporting healthy latching and breast feeding. Each week our Doc Team provides helpful tips to educate what lip/tongue tie releases are and why they are so popular now. We aim to help you to identify if your baby has tongue or lip ties and provide home care strategies and exercises to help support a strong latch, suck and swallow. We also dive deep in a discussion about why supportive chiropractic care and cranial work is important for your baby pre and post tie releases. Make sure you send us all your questions so our Doc Team can address them and answer them each Thursday during our Lives! See you online!
Clinic Member Spotlight: Meet Nicole & her kiddos!

Meet Nicole and her beautiful kids. Nicole was struggling with a lot of pain and discomfort in her third pregnancy and since her medical team told her "it was just something to expect with multiple pregnancies", she decided she needed to take matters into her own hands. She had been to a workshop at a mom group (mommy connections) years before where Dr. Tara spoke about prenatal and pediactric chiropractic. At the time, she didn't think she needed it, but now that she was pregnant again and starting to feel sciatica symptoms, she knew it was time to reach out!
"When I was experiencing pain during my pregnancy, I reached out and booked an appointment. I was so happy to have someone listen to my concerns and help me."
Orthotics Workshop
Saturday November 19 9:30am-12:00 noon
Are you suffering with chronic foot, knee or back pain?! Maybe it's time to check your FEET! Even the experts at Harvard recommend custom made orthotics, so what are you waiting for?
Check out this video about how our lab Premier Orthotics Lab (POL) constructs your Custom Made Orthotics:
Visit our Holiday Market
All week November 14-18th

We have some incredibly talented clinic members that run your own businesses and 'side hustles' and what better way to celebrate your talents then to host a week entirely dedicated to YOU!
During the week of November 14th-18th we are hosting our first ever HOLIDAY MARKET and will display a curated collection of great gift ideas handmade by local artisans and crafters right from our own community! Stay Tuned for more information about our makers!
Meet the Team: Please Welcome Himadri
We are growing our Administrative Team again and are excited to introduce our newest team member Himadri! Say hello next time you cross paths and welcome her to our community!

“Hello my name is Himadri and I love anything and everything science related! My passions are literature and art, but the biology of sciences is where I truly get excited. In my free time I enjoy reading and drawing so I'm always open to your suggestions for a great new book! I'm currently finishing up my degree in Biomedical Sciences at York University and really wanted to spend some time gaining experience in the healthcare field so I'm thrilled to be joining the team here at Advanced Vitality and can't wait to meet you all soon.”
We want to shout it out loud and proud for ALL our recent GRADUATES! These folks put the time and effort into their Restorative Care Plan to achieve all the benefits that Neurofunctional Chiropractic Care has to offer! Congratulations on all your health and wellness achievements, we look forward to helping you maintain and build on those with your Wellness Membership!
Wellness Memberships
Our Wellness Memberships are a hit! Congratulations to everyone who has graduated from Restoration care and are enjoying the member benefits of a Wellness Membership!

These memberships are offered to qualifying Clinic Members that have completed a Restoration Care Plan and wish to maintain their achievements and optimize their health with regular weekly or bi-weekly chiropractic adjustments. Additional perks accompany these memberships including complimentary Health Scans, discounted fees and Family Plans.
If you would like to learn more about our Wellness Memberships, please speak with one of our Care Coordinators at the Front Desk at your next appointment!
Birth Announcements
Congratulations to all our Mamas who gave birth this past month! We are so honoured to have played a role in your pregnancy journey and look forward to helping you recover and your baby thrive during this next phase of your lives!
MOMMY & ME Chiropractic Packages
We are pleased to offer all of our New Moms a special discounted rate when you package your post-partum re-evaluation and your newborn initial assessment.
*contact the clinic for full details

Goodbye To Ideal Protein
Many of you dieters have already been contacted by Coach Maria about our upcoming change to the Ideal Protein Services offered at Advanced Vitality so it comes as no surprise that as of January 1, 2023 we will no longer be offering the Ideal Protein Coaching Services or Products through Advanced Vitality. This comes as Advanced Vitality makes a shift in our clinical focus on improving our chiropractic services and member experience!
If you have any questions or concerns about where you can go to continue your Ideal Protein Journey we recommend clicking below:
Clinic Holidays
Dr. Tara will on holidays the week of
November 21-25th
The clinic will be open for all regular business days this month!