Meet Nicole and her beautiful kids. Nicole was struggling with a lot of pain and discomfort in her third pregnancy and since her medical team told her "it was just something to expect with multiple pregnancies", she decided she needed to take matters into her own hands. She had been to a workshop at a Moms Group (mommy connections) years before where Dr. Tara spoke about prenatal and pediactric chiropractic. At the time, she didn't think she needed it, but now that she was pregnant again and starting to feel sciatica symptoms, she knew it was time to reach out!

When I was experiencing pain during my pregnancy, I reached out and booked an appointment. I was so happy to have someone listen to my concerns and help me.
At our clinic we take a different approach to chiropractic and healing. It's called the NeuroFunctional approach which means that we evaluate your body for interference points in your brain-body connection. Since your brain controls and coordinates all the systems and functions of the rest of your body, our chiropractic approach aims to improve that connection and allow the body to do it's thang!
At our clinic, all our Chiropractic Doctors are trained in the NeuroFunctional approach and use the innovative INSiGHT Health Scanning Technology and The Webster Technique, which is something that our clinic members really appreciate!
When my baby stayed in a breech position, the care team at Advanced Vitality focused on helping make space for baby to turn. I was so pleased with my prenatal care that I knew I would be well taken care of during my postnatal recovery.
The unique NeuroFunctional apprach and Health Scanning Technology we use at Advanced Vitality means that we can also take amazing care of babies, kids and teens! Our health scans show direct correlation to systems and symptoms that their bodies are experiencing and allow us to focus our care on restoring balance in those areas. This gives parents a sense of ease when it comes to getting their kiddos checked and adjusted.

When I noticed low tone in my baby, I started bringing her in. There has been a great improvement in my baby’s alignment and muscle tone. The team has really helped me work with her and she’s reaching her milestones.
Many people think that chiropractic is only for neck pain, back pain or headaches, and while we do amazing things for these symptoms, there's so much more to benefit from. However, there is definitely some initial fear for parents to bring their babies and kids to a chiropractor. Here's what Nicole had to say about that:
I was not afraid to try Chiropractic. I figured it could only help, and I was right. Try it! Make the time for yourself, and you will feel so much better for it.

The team is very friendly and it is a very child friendly atmosphere. I was so happy to feel less pain and to feel listened to. I feel better after each appointment.
We are so happy that Nicole found us and continues to trust us to take care of her and her Kiddos! We are especially grateful that she shared her experiences with our community and other families. It's stories and mama's like you that help make this world (and the kiddos in it) much healthier and happier!
If this sounds like the place for you and your family, please connect with us to find out more answers about how we help families just like yours!